Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Net problems

According to Telstra, we will need to wait a further 2-3 weeks for our transfer to take place, so rhe shop will have to remain closed for that time. :( I don't ever remember things being this difficult before. And I have moved a lot. It is like Telstra is deliberately trying to lose me as a customer. But either way, I have my phone, so I can keep you all updated.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Shop will be down.

Ok, so the big move is tomorrow! as a result, the shop will be offline until we get internet back, which may not be until late next week! so, I will see you all on the flip side! wish us luck!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sales and stuff!

OK! so a quick review of everything that has been happening! Firstly, the direct debit discount sale is finished. There is currently a last minute moving sale on in the shop where every person who orders will get a free skein of yarn and a free packet of stitch markers!

As I forgot to put this up in the blog, I will extend the sale to people who read about this on the blog until tomorrow night (as it is meant to end tonight)- so Thursday, August 23rd, until 9pm. You will have to say in the comments when you place your order that you have come form the blog, so that I can give you your free yarn. :) You will have to get in quick though as I am quickly running out of yarn!

Which brings me to my next piece of news. Once we have completed our move, I will be taking pre-orders for my very first range of self striping sock yarns! This will be done like a club, so you will get more than just yarn with your order ;) I will only have limited places available for this one, so keep your eyes peeled here on the blog, in the shop and on the facebook page for more announcements!

